

Demon Hunters: Eat in or Stakeout?
10 years ago

Demon Hunters: Eat in or Stakeout?


Gabriel and Silent Jim, two Demon Hunters on a stakeout, are astounded when they discover who their marks really are. Meanwhile, the Syphilitic Ninja Vampires cause a …
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House Rulez – Episode 3
10 years ago

House Rulez – Episode 3

It’s the little things that get to you: the contestants stake their claims to a piece of the house – at each other’s expense. One challenge down, but how many …
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House Rulez – Episode 2
10 years ago

House Rulez – Episode 2


It’s Day 1 and the producers have already lost control of the show: can they take it back before the premier?

Filmed as an unscripted experiment by the …
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House Rulez – Episode 1
10 years ago

House Rulez – Episode 1


Nothing’s as it seems when 8 contenders vie for a $1,000,000 prize while the show’s producers watch.

In House Rulez, hidden cameras follow the housemates AND the producers of …
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Shadow of Liberty: DG Game Night #4
10 years ago

Shadow of Liberty: DG Game Night #4


Another night of Demon Hunters Roleplaying Game on July 7th, 2014. You can check it out above, or get the cliff notes here. And don’t forget to visit the Demon Hunters Webcomic and consider …
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Satanic Sinkholes: DG Game Night #3
10 years ago

Satanic Sinkholes: DG Game Night #3


We had a blast on June 1st playing the Demon Hunters Roleplaying Game. You can check it out above, or get the cliff notes here. And don’t forget to …
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Mea Tulpa: DG Game Night #2
10 years ago

Mea Tulpa: DG Game Night #2


Due to YouTube being in “Read Only” mode for routine maintenance, our Demon Hunters Online Game was delayed an hour. Nonetheless it was a success and we had …
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The Arcane Toilet: DG Game Night #1
10 years ago

The Arcane Toilet: DG Game Night #1



TONIGHT! Monday, April 7th, 2014. Start time 7pm Pacific. This event will be recorded and available on YouTube if you can’t make the live event.

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Demon Hunters Hangout
10 years ago

Demon Hunters Hangout


Last night we chatted about Demon Hunters and other various things. Here’s the full two hours. God help you if you actually watch the whole thing.

Demon Hunters: The Brotherhood Orientation Video (2008)
11 years ago

Demon Hunters: The Brotherhood Orientation Video (2008)


Written by Jenna McMichael, Nathan Rice, and Matt Vancil Directed by Ben Dobyns and Don Early

Since the most ancient days of the world, the forces of Evil …
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